Address of Shelter Home: Swagat house, E-62 & E-64, Sector-12, Opp. Kendriya Vihar, Near SBI, KHARGHAR, Navi Mumbai-410 210.
JACAF has shifted it’s Shelter home for poor and needy Cancer patients to Kharghar location w.e.f. 01.03.2022
Jagannath Cancer Aid Foundation popularly known as JACAF in the corridor of TATA Memorial Hospital is a 25 years old Public Charitable Trust, Registered in Mumbai having the Registration No. E-16300 (Mumbai) dated 15.05.1996 with IT exemption under 80(G) vide order No. DIT(E)MC/80G106/2007-08 dtd 14.05.2007 for life.
The main objective of the JACAF is to provide complete Non-Medical Assistance to Cancer Patients and provide shelter to them as well as their attendants.
We love our service and welcome your feedback and suggestions. Use our Contact Us page to tell us what we’re doing right or what we can improve on.
We are looking for -- individuals who are positive, caring, sensitive, energetic, self-disciplined and ability to work well with our regular staffs, a desire to learn and grow through supervision, and regular participation in awareness & detection programs.
Interested people should contact us at Landline:022 - 0227898878, MOBILE : +91-9322223033. We will schedule an interview with you based on our needs and your availability.
Medical attention is not the only thing a patient and their family needs. They need someone to help them so that their difficult life at hospital can be at ease.